Do You Think Preserving Our Natural Resources Is Important? We Agree.
Did you know recycled newspapers make great insulation? How about recycled blue jeans? We did. That is why before the law required using recycled materials, McNaughton Homes cared enough about our natural resources to adopt using recycled materials to construct new homes in Central Pa. Beams, floor joists, window and door headers, sub floor material and insulation were or are still made from materials that would have ended up in a landfill a few years ago. So you’re asking, Are they as strong as natural wood? As strong, no, they are much stronger, reliable and less susceptible to defects.
So if you believe protecting our natural resources is as important as we do and you’re looking for a new home, go ahead and compare McNaughton Homes to the others. Ask to see their National Energy Value Housing Awards they have been awarded for their building to protect the environment. Then ask to see ours, we will show you. Not because we are bragging, its simpler than that, it’s just the right thing to do. Come see why McNaughton Homes has been The Community Builder for over 30 years.